Monday, July 11, 2011


Praise the Lord for the Word of God!!!  I recently went back to Austin and as able to gather some things that I had not brought up the Flower Mound yet.  One of the things I forgot was my Bible.  This morning though I was able to wake up and actually get into the Word.  I am behind on the reading schedule, but since there is nothing to do in Flower Mound, I should be able to catch up quickly.  I was able to read Gen. 1-11 today!  God gave us "His Bow" to remind us and Himself of the covenant He made to us.  No matter what we do, or how bad we get..... God loves us!  Throughout this whole book there is so much foreshadowing of what is to come in the rest of the Bible.  I am not 100% clear on the 3 falls of man, so hopefully someone can help me out.  Also the "curses" that were put on people I am not to clear on.  The footnotes in this Bible are amazing.  For many things can be cleared up by just reading the footnotes.  Sometimes we just need companions  and other members of the Body to help us understand.  Praise the Lord the Bible!  Thank you to all of the students at UT  who are in Christian Students on Campus, who helped in my walk with Christ!  Who would of ever thought that the Ark is a type of Christ...oh I can't wait to get in this more!

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