Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Homes

I would like to encourage everyone, who is connected to Christian Students on Campus, The Lord's Recovery, or just a seeker of our Lord Jesus, to get connected to a home.  The homes will make or break any seeker.  I have enjoyed my times in the homes, getting connected to families, and being built up with others.  I have truly have been blessed to have been raised by the saints in the church in Austin.  I have a huge family with many parents, thanks to the church-life.  I absolutely gained so much from being here in Austin.  I never thought moving to Austin would change my life as it has, but the Lord has moved in a definite way in me.  Thank you all who have cared for me and have prayed for me continuously!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Whether a child, a teenager, a student, a trainee, a working saint, a single parent, a married saint, or an older saint - every believer, no matter the age, needs to be connected to a home! In the home we can receive the all-inclusive tender care of Christ through His Body! I treasure the homes, and I depend / desperately need the homes!
